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What is a buyer persona?

Find out what a buyer persona is and how to create one! 

21 Mar 2022. 12:05
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Find out what a buyer persona is and how to create one! 


Design an effective marketing strategy by defining your ideal customer. 


What is a buyer persona? 

  • It is a semi-fictional representation of our ideal consumer. 

  • It’s also an archetype of the consumers of our products or services. 


What is the importance of buyers persona? 

They help us by: 

  • Defining the audience we want to attract and convert. 

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of our target audience. 

  • Targeting marketing specific actions for each of them. 


How to create a buyer persona? 

  1. Determine what information you need. 

  1. Collect the data. 

  1. Differentiate between different customer profiles. 

  1. Tell the story of your buyer persona. 


What does a buyer persona profile include? 

  1. Name. 

  1. Socio-demographic characteristics. 

  1. Personality description. 

  1. Interests and objectives. 

  1. Pain points and challenges. 

  1. Purchasing and consumption preferences. 



  • You now have all the elements to create a buyer persona. 

  • Use them and give your marketing strategy a boost! 

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