Artificial intelligence for SMEs
22 Dec 2022. 13:07
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  • SME maturity
    1. Inteligencia Artificial
    Scope to digitize
    1. Nuevas tecnologías

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AI or artificial intelligence has revolutionized the business market as it provides multiple benefits both in internal processes and in the relationship with customers or suppliers.


Discover its applications and benefits!


Advantages of AI in SMEs

  • Helps to analyse customer behaviour, predicting trends and future actions.
  • Allows certain tasks to be carried out in an automated way and with the possibility of programming them.
  • It favours the digitisation processes of companies.
  • Allows processing, analysing and ordering large volumes of data.


Common uses of AI in SMEs 

  • Audience segmentation in online marketing campaigns.
  • Management of queries and customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants.
  • Process monitoring to avoid future errors.
  • Perform cross-selling actions through behavioural predictions.

Incorporate AI in your SME and take your business to another level!

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