Learn how to create an account on X

X is one of the most popular social networks in the world with more than 250 million active users every day.

If you want to join to connect with your followers, we show you how to create an account!

06 Jun 2024. 11:24
1 min. of reading
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  • SME maturity
    1. Presencia Web
    2. Competencias digitales
    Scope to digitize
    1. Business processes

Compartir infografía

X is one of the most popular social networks in the world with more than 250 million active users every day.

If you want to join to connect with your followers, we show you how to create an account!

Learn how to create an account on X
  • X: the microblogging social network

Formerly known as Twitter, X is a social network where users can share text posts with their followers.

It also allows users to:

  1. Add images or videos.

  2. Follow other users.

  3. Know what is trending at the moment.

  4. Boost your publications thanks to hashtags or labels.


  • Create your own X account!

If you are ready to join X, follow these steps!

  1. Go to the official X website and choose the 'Create account' option

  2. Enter your name, phone number or email address and date of birth

  3. Authenticate your account and add a password

  4. Select a profile picture5. Choose your username

  5. Select your interests

You are now ready to start using X!


Start following other users and share interesting content about your SME.

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