Metaverse: a new digital channel for your SME

Did you know you can create virtual spaces to connect and share experiences with your customers?

Introducing the metaverse!

24 Jun 2024. 12:45
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  • SME maturity
    1. Nuevas tecnologías
    2. Realidad Virtual y Aumentada
    Scope to digitize
    1. ICT infrastructure

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Did you know you can create virtual spaces to connect and share experiences with your customers?

Introducing the metaverse!

Metaverse, a new digital channel for your SME
  • What is Metaverse?

It is an alternative and virtual reality that mimics real life and arises from technological development.

It allows you to:

  • Create a fully immersive experience.
  • Connect with other people and brands.
  • Have total freedom for the customization of the environment and avatars.
  • Develop a digital economy and virtual currencies.


  • How can you integrate it into your SME?

  1. Virtual events

Offer your customers a new way to get to know your business by promoting a product launch or holding presentations.


  1. Online store

Allow your customers to visualize your products in a more realistic way before buying them.


  1. Employee management

Create virtual offices for your employees with applications like Kumospace or You can access them from your own computer!


As you can see, Metaverse opens up a new horizon of possibilities for your SME.


Stay informed about its developments and enhance your SME's digital strategy!

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