Share your knowledge with LinkedIn articles

If you want to know a new way to stand out on LinkedIn, here are the articles.

08 Apr 2024. 12:49
1 min. of reading
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  • SME maturity
    1. Marketing digital y redes sociales
    2. Estrategias e iniciativas digitales
    Scope to digitize
    1. Digital strategy
    2. Relationship with clients

Compartir infografía

If you want to know a new way to stand out on LinkedIn, here are the articles.

Share your knowledge with LinkedIn articles
  • What is a LinkedIn article?

It is a longer publication than the usual posts and simulates a blog entry.

It serves to:

  1. Show your experience and knowledge.

  2. Interact with new users.

  3. Promote the image of your SME.

  4. Attract users to your website.


  • Create your own article on LinkedIn!

If you want to get started, follow these steps!

  1. In the 'Create post' box, select the 'Write article' option.

Analyse the interests of your target audience and choose a relevant topic.

  1. Introduce your article.

Choose an image and a title that will catch users' attention.

  1. Write your article.

Write the text of the article structuring the information you are going to offer.

  1. Make your publication more eye-catching.

Insert links, images and mentions of other users or pages.

  1. Publish your article.

Use hashtags and adjust the SEO of your article so that more people can see it.


Take the plunge and boost your SME on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional social network!

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