The tool that allows you to know if your SME is cybersecure

The Acelera pyme cybersecurity self-test tool will help you understand whether your SME is cybersecure in 6 scopes.

06 Sep 2021. 19:39
1 min. of reading
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  • SME maturity
    1. Acelera pyme
    Scope to digitize
    1. Others

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The Acelera pyme cybersecurity self-test tool will help you understand whether your SME is cybersecure in 6 scopes.

Infographic about the tool that allows you to know if your SME is

The tool that allows you to know if your SME is cybersecure

The Acelera pyme cybersecurity self-test tool will help you understand whether your SME is cybersecure in these 6 scopes.

  1. Security standards. Does your SME apply current legislation in terms of security?
  2. Device security. Are your devices properly protected against external threats?
  3. Training and awareness-raising. Do your employees know how to identify a cybersecurity breach?
  4. Access management. Does your system protect the access of your staff and prevent the entry of external agents?
  5. Security problems. Do you have a consistent cybersecurity protocol?
  6. Equipment and systems. Do you adequately maintain the equipment so that it is perfectly protected?

Don't think twice and discover the level of cybersecurity of your SME!

You will receive a global analysis of your level of cybersecurity and recommendations based on your results.

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