Change management in your SME’s digital transformation​
06 Jul 2022. 12:05
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  • SME maturity
    1. Methodology
    Scope to digitize
    1. Digital organization

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Discover how to carry out change management to digitally transform your SME and learn about its benefits and impact on your business.

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Executive summary

With the advent of new technologies and connectivity, it has become easier to work both face-to-face and remotely in recent years.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, most employees and companies have been forced to adapt quickly and unexpectedly to remote working, with the consequent need to digitise the workplace and adapt employees to it, which is sometimes a real challenge for SMEs.

Such drastic changes in the way of working can lead to a decrease in employee productivity, with a consequent loss in the company's turnover.

It is at this point that a change management strategy becomes necessary. Change management is considered by the Business Process Management Body of Knowledge (BPM CBOK) as a "structured approach to managing the people and organisational aspects of change to achieve desired business outcomes", i.e. it involves encouraging people in an organisation to adapt to new ways of working in such a way that the impact on productivity is minimised.

The first section of the report details what change management is, as well as its different phases or stages:

  • Unfreezing: understanding the situation in which the SME finds itself at the time of the change, where the people involved in the change must be aware of the starting point, and the resources available for the change.
  • Change: stage where the actions established for its correct implementation are carried out, accompanied by afollow-up and establishing mechanisms for its verification.
  • Freezing: consists of creating a sense of stability, in which the people who have been part of the change feel comfortable and serve as a basis for future changes.

Additionally, in this section you can check the main advantages/disadvantages of developing an SEO strategy in your SME, as well as the main risks when dealing with change and avoiding an inadequate implementation.

The next section explains how to follow a change management methodology and the steps that must be taken for it to be effective. Firstly, a strategic impact analysis will be carried out to check how the change will affect the organisation, followed by preparation by those responsible for the change, who will be in charge of communicating and getting employees to accept the change.

Finally, it is essential to develop an internal communication strategy adapted to the vicissitudes of each employee or group of employees, in order to make them understand the change and make them adapt to it in a natural way.

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