Security is one of the main challenges facing companies. In this reference document, you will learn how to implement a cybersecurity plan in your SME.
In a world where technology is advancing rapidly, security is one of the main challenges for all individuals and companies that have different computing resources connected to the network.
New technological means have enabled the world to stay connected at all levels, both personal and professional. These changes in society have increased efficiency and improved the quality of life of all people, although there are certain risks and threats that must be taken into account for the protection of everyone.
From this new challenge arises the need to increase the level of public and private commitment to achieve a safer digital space. This not only lies in the creation of disruptive tools for information security, but must also be complemented by the creation of Information Technology (ICT) products, processes and systems.
The situation resulting from Covid-19 has accelerated the digital transformation, forcing the modification of companies' technological infrastructures, increasing the risk of attacks by cybercriminals.
This document will address all the issues related to the evolution of cybersecurity and the current scenario in the different sectors, highlighting: the origin of cybercrime, main threats (Malware, password protection, social engineering, attacks on connections) and protection measures.
In short, cybersecurity technologies help all individuals and companies to prepare for possible crises that may arise as a result of cyberattacks, ensuring the protection of information and of Internet users themselves, although it should be noted that the best protection is the awareness of users about the risks arising from the use of the Internet.
It is worth mentioning that the preparation of the book has the collaboration of Marc Martínez Marce, partner of Cybersecurity and Technology Risk at KPMG, with extensive experience in numerous international and national organizations in most industry sectors, such as financial services, insurance, asset management and third party organizations, and is considered one of the leaders in his field of expertise. He combines this activity with teaching in the Master in Information Security Management of Asimelec and the Polytechnic University of Madrid.