Process Management (ERP) Reference Document
13 Mar 2023. 18:57
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  • SME maturity
    1. Planificación de recursos / ERP
    Scope to digitize
    1. Support processes

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Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP makes it easier for companies to automate processes. In this reference document you will understand the benefits of implementing an ERP in your SME.

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Process management
Executive summary

Today's world and society are in a process of technological evolution that has a direct impact on companies in all sectors. Moreover, the environment surrounding these companies is increasingly fierce and competitive, which means that they must adapt to the transformation and incorporate tools that provide them with the ability to compete and position themselves well in the global market.

In this process of technological change, information and data become the most important asset of any company, giving rise to the need for programmes that facilitate the integration of all business processes and that share a common database. This is how Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) came into being.

Therefore, an ERP is an information management system that makes it easier for companies to automate business processes and, by sharing a common database for all departments of the entity, allows the creation of a unified system.

The aim of this report is to present the ERP tool in detail, so that it can be fully understood. For this reason, all aspects related to it are included throughout this document:

  • Firstly, the definition of an ERP and a description of its main characteristics are included. In addition, the usual structure of these systems and the types of profiles that are users of these business management softwares are detailed.
  • On the other hand, it defines the functions, both general and specific, of this technological solution and establishes the steps that every company must follow for its correct implementation.
  • It also includes a summary of some cases in which the implementation of a system of this type has been a business success. In addition, the current situation and future trends in the market surrounding these tools are detailed.
  • There are different types and providers of ERPs, so this report covers some of them.
  • The background paper includes an analysis of the impact that ERPs have on companies and sectors, outlining the benefits they provide in each case.

It is worth mentioning that the reference document has inputs provided by Ignacio Verges, Head of ERP & Powered Enterprise at KPMG Spain. Ignacio has more than 20 years of experience in the digital world, leading transformation projects in both local and multinational companies.

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