SMEs digital take off
15 Jul 2021. 15:58
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  • SME maturity
    1. Estrategias e iniciativas digitales
    2. Tools
    Scope to digitize
    1. Digital strategy

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Find out which initiatives have been launched by the Spanish Government to support the take-off of SMEs through digitalisation.

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Executive summary

The crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic has made us take a closer look at the already existing need to advance in the digitalisation of society. Particularly, of SMEs. This has been a pending task in recent years.

This report analyses the various initiatives that have been launched by the Spanish Government to support the definitive take-off of SMEs through digitalisation, since small and medium-sized enterprises are key to our economy, currently representing more than 99% of the country's companies and almost 65% of employment.

In the first section of the report, we analyse the actions and plans being developed in the EU and Spain to tackle the problems arising from the digital slowdown.

In this regard, the digital transformation in Spain is so decisive that, through its adoption, national GDP could increase by 4.38% in the next six years and create 220,000 jobs by 2030.

The report further explains the government's plans to contain the impact of the pandemic.

First of all, it takes a look at the Digital Spain Agenda 2025, an Agenda to boost Spain's Digital Transformation, presented in July 2020, and the Plan España Puede, a plan with a budget of €4,656 million.

The second section of the report analyses the most relevant aspects of the Digitalisation of SMEs Plan 2021-2025, one of the main plans resulting from the Digital Spain Agendal 2025, which serves as an instrument to achieve the objectives of the Plan España Puede.

One of the key aspects included in the report is the Acelera pyme programme, with a budget of €250 million and the following objectives:

  1. To boost the digital transformation of Spanish SMEs, offering high-value services.

  2. To generate an ecosystem and digital community around digital transformation.

  3. Promote objectives such as entrepreneurship, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the promotion of strategic sectors.

The report further ellaborates on the key actions of the programme that will achieve the objectives set, which will include the following actions:

  • Acelera Offices Network: the creation of Acelera pyme Office’s network in collaboration with different entities.

  • Acelera pyme platform: the development of a dynamic platform with valuable content, offering companies aid to encourage their digital transformation. The platform will include self-diagnosis tools to assess the level of digital maturity of interested companies.

  • Support and advisory services: workshops and seminars will be held throughout the country on digital initiatives.

Finally, the report highlights the four keys to the Acelera pyme programme, trying to resolve the main doubts that may arise:

  1. Who is Acelera pyme addressed to?

  2. How does Acelera pyme solve the main challenges faced by SMEs in the digitisation process?

  3. What mechanisms does the plan put in place to overcome the barriers faced by SMEs?

  4. How does the Acelera pyme programme complement the other initiatives of the SME Digitalisation Plan?

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