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Check your administrative procedures with My Citizen Folder

19 Mar 2024. 09:41
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  • SME maturity
    1. Relación con terceros y Administración pública
    Scope to digitize
    1. Business processes

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Have you ever felt the need to have a platform that allows you to access all your procedures with the Public Administration? Well, it already exists! Introducing Mi Carpeta Ciudadana.

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Mi Carpeta Ciudadana Acelera pyme

The possibility of consulting your documentation from a single space.

In the middle of the digital era, SMEs and freelancers have to carry out more and more transactions through online channels. However, this can also lead to possible errors or confusion when accessing all the portals.

Therefore, the Public Administration has created a platform that allows citizens to consult all their documentation and procedures from a single place in an intuitive and simple way.

In this context, Mi Carpeta Ciudadana emerges, a system that more and more people are benefiting from.

Would you like to know more about it? Let us introduce you to it!


The public management platform

Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is an online space where each person can access all their personal documentation. It is an initiative of the General State Administration which, along with various public institutions, has succeeded in having approximately 2 million people use its system, topping the list of most downloaded applications after its launch and being awarded one of the Internet Day Awards 2023.

Regarding its compatibility, it can be used through the smartphone application, available for both Android and iOS devices, or through its website. To access it, it is essential to identify yourself through a secure recognition system from Public Administrations such as Cl@ve.

Once inside, you can:

  1. Initiate contact with Public Administrations.
  2. Check your personal data.
  3. Obtain necessary information about different procedures.
  4. Stay informed about your appointments or procedures through its notification and alert system.

As you can see, all from the same space!

But that's not all. Mi Carpeta Ciudadana has different sections where you can consult all the documentation regarding your personal situation. If you want to know what they are about, we will explain them to you next.


All your information in one online space

With Mi Carpeta Ciudadana, you can gather all the information registered about you in Public Administrations. This allows for quicker access with just one click, as well as streamlining the presentation and processing of your documentation.


Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is an online space where each person can access all their documentation from a single location.


The sections offered by the system are as follows:

  1. Education and training: it allows you to access data regarding educational records, as well as information on available training programs in the National Registry of Qualifications or stay informed about scholarship or aid opportunities.
  2. Citizenship: it facilitates access to data such as the National Identity Document, certificates of the electronic D.N.I., or the passport. It also allows you to check your information on the electoral census.
  3. Employment and benefits: this section of Mi Carpeta Ciudadana gathers all the information about work history, Social Security, or updates on public employment. A section that compiles all professional references.
  4. Health and social affairs: it provides the possibility to access medical history or other data related to social affairs. Additionally, it allows you to download reports and certificates.
  5. Personal and family situation: it encourages easy access to all individual and family information. This includes, among others, proof of legal residence, large family titles, or high-level athlete certificates.
  6. Vehicles and transportation: this section provides information on driver's licenses, traffic points, or vehicle information.
  7. Housing: it shares documentation related to real estate properties in Public Administrations. You can download cadastral certifications and check census data.
  8. Transparency: finally, this section enables the consultation of data exchanged between different administrations with your consent.

As you can see, Mi Carpeta Ciudadana is an useful platform that is beneficial to download on your mobile phone or keep open in the computer browser if you frequently need to carry out many procedures. It helps SMEs and self-employed individuals reduce the time spent searching for and consulting information and initiating administrative procedures.


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