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Guide to creating a digitalization plan for your SME

17 Oct 2022. 11:53
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  • SME maturity
    1. Methodology
    Scope to digitize
    1. ICT infrastructure

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The digital transformation of SMEs is key to the economic recovery of the country and to achieve this, the use of technology is vital. Therefore, we have developed a guide in which we explain what the steps are to follow to digitize your company. 

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Guía para crear un plan de digitalización para tu pyme

Digitizing a company implies relying on the use of new technologies in different departments and work processes.  This in order to optimize efforts and resources, adapt to the demands of the new digital consumer and build new business models. 

For an SME, the ability to adapt in this digital age can bring a series of advantages such as: improving its flexibility and competitiveness, growing faster or being able to respond to new customer demands and expectations. 

In fact, more and more companies are  joining the digital transformation and implementing new technologies.   According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), 62% of Spanish SMEs have at least a basic level of digital intensity. 

However, starting there are a lot of technologies and processes that are necessary to cover in order to digitize a company.  As we understand that this can be confusing, we have created this guide to accompanyand guideyou in the digital transformation of your SME. 


Steps to make a digitization plan  

  1.  Preliminary analysis 

The first step to undertake the process of digitizing your business is to know the state of digital maturity in which it is. To do this, you must evaluateyour  assets, digital capabilities, and competitive situation. On our website we offer you a free tool that will allow you to know, through a questionnaire, the level of digital maturity of your company. 

  1. Internal digitalization 

After performing the preliminary analysis, we must study what are the tasks and processes that we can automate or make more efficient through the use of technology. 

  1. External scanning 

The following is  related  to the online digital strategy. Having a presence on  the internet and supporting yourself on social networks is also part of the digitalization process. To do this, you must detect which are the most appropriate channels to get your value proposition to your customers. 

  1. Digital Team 

In order to carry out the digital transformation of your SME, it is key to encourage the use of collaboration tools among your   team members. This with the aim of developing the digital skills necessary to optimize their tasks.  Training is vital in a digitalization process, as it increases productivity, efficiency and innovation. 

  1. Action Plan 

Once the above steps have been completed, it is vital to develop an action plan that includes  a roadmap with the desired  priorities and objectives regarding digital transformation. 


What technologies can help you?  

According to a study by McKinsey, companies that use more technologies have more successful transformations.  In fact, more than 80% of businesses that successfully went digital use traditional web technologies such as websites and online stores, as well as cloud-based services. 

That is why, so we recommend the following tools that you can implement so that you can address the digital transformation of your SME without setbacks. 

  • Intelligent management platforms: such as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to integrate sales information and to respond to customer expectations in a digital way. 

  • Digital management and office automation applications: they are accessible from any device, since they allow to integrate the information in real time and automate procedures such as, for example, electronic invoicing. 

  • Websites and online stores: implementing them will allow you to reach more customers and strengthen your digital relationships with them. 

  • Basic security applications: whether for cleaning email or protecting your company's information. We advise you to pay special attention to the cybersecurity of your SME and implement the necessary tools and services to protect it. 

  • Business intelligence (BI) or big data (BD) services: they will help you improve the use of the data and information collected. 

As you can see, digitalization is not a simple or immediate process, as it requires a certain level of planning and effort. However, it is vital to create a digitalization plan so that you are able to get the most out of the benefits that this transformation brings you. 

If you have doubts about where to start, within our "Resources" section, you can find a series of contents designed to inform, guide and help you throughout the path of the digital transformation of your SME. Don't wait any longer and... Join the digital change! 

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