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The importance of cybersecurity in the financial sector

01 Sep 2023. 08:33
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  • SME maturity
    1. Ciberseguridad
    Scope to digitize
    1. Cybersecurity

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Imagine losing access to your bank accounts or suffering an identity theft that jeopardizes your reputation and the trust of your customers. In this post we tell you how to protect your SME from these attacks.

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La importancia de la ciberseguridad en el sector financiero

The financial sector is an attractive target for cybercriminals due to the large amount of sensitive and valuable data it handles. If you are an SME or freelancer in the financial sector, cybersecurity has probably become one of your priorities in recent years. Read on to learn about the main cyber threats and risks in this sector, as well as practical tips to protect your business.


What are the main cybersecurity threats in the financial sector?

Some of the main cyber threats and risks you may face are:

  • Ransomware: ransomware attacks involve the hijacking of a company's systems and the encryption of its data. The cybercriminals demand a ransom to release the information, causing your SME to be financially compromised.

  • Phishing: phishing emails trick employees into revealing confidential information such as passwords or bank details. This can lead to account theft or identity theft.

  • Malware: malicious programs manage to infiltrate your systems to steal information or damage your infrastructure.

  • Lack of security updates: keeping your systems and software out of date opens up security holes that cybercriminals can exploit.

  • Denial-of-service attacks (DDoS): cybercriminals overload your SME's servers with malicious traffic, rendering your services inaccessible.

  • Identity theft: this involves stealing your customers' and employees' personal information to commit financial fraud.

  • Data leaks: leaks of sensitive information can damage your SME's reputation and generate legal liabilities.


Tips to protect your financial infrastructure

Cybersecurity should be a priority for all SMEs and freelancers in the financial sector. Here are some key tips to protect your SME:

  1. Staff awareness and training: It is important that your employees are trained to identify security threats. Fostering a culture of cybersecurity and establishing clear guidelines will help reduce the risk of incidents.

  2. Implement firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS): firewalls act as protective barriers between internal systems and unauthorized Internet traffic. On the other hand, IDS/IPS monitor and analyze traffic for suspicious behavior, blocking it before it can cause damage.

  3. Data encryption: encryption protects sensitive information from being accessed by cybercriminals.

  4. Keeping systems and software up to date: it is essential to keep all systems and applications up to date to avoid possible security breaches.

  5. Making regular backup copies: making backup copies of critical data and storing them in a safe place will help you recover information in the event of a cybersecurity attack.

  6. Role-based access and multi-factor authentication: limiting access privileges to only the people who need them and requiring additional authentication beyond passwords, such as SMS codes or fingerprints, will make unauthorized access to systems and accounts more difficult.


In short, cyber threats put the financial stability and reputation of companies at risk. Adopting preventive measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention.

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