New call for 2022 proposals for the creation of the Acelera pyme Office network pone en marcha la segunda convocatoria para dar continuidad a los servicios que ofrece la red de Oficinas Acelera pyme en todo el territorio nacional. ¡Te contamos todos los detalles a continuación!

Within the framework of the Agenda España Digital 2026 and the "Plan de Digitalización de Pymes 2021-2025", continues with the creation and maintenance of the network of Acelera pyme Offices to provide advice to SMEs and the self-employed and help promoting technological demand.
Currently, the network of Acelera pyme Offices has a total of 85 offices located throughout the country, which have recently been joined by 57 Acelera pyme Offices in rural areas. All this, in order to support and promote the adoption of technologies by SMEs, self-employed and entrepreneurs in Spain.
However, 27 offices created in the first call will end their activities in the first half of 2023. For this reason, is launching a Second Call 2022, in order to provide continuity to the services provided by the SME Accelerator Offices throughout Spain. But what does this new call consist of? We'll tell you about it below!
Second Call 2022 for the creation of the Acelera pyme office network
The aim of this call is to select, on a competitive basis, the beneficiaries of the grants for the creation of the Acelera pyme Office Network within the Acelera pyme Programme to promote the adoption of technologies by SMEs, freelancers and entrepreneurs.
These offices will make one or more physical and virtual spaces available to them to raise awareness and provide support on the advantages and innovative methodologies to optimise the operation of their businesses. All this, through the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their processes, in order to improve their productivity.
Eligible projects submitted must include, among other actions:
1. The implementation of the OAP.
2. The generation, dissemination and enhancement of content associated with the adoption of technologies and processes.
3. Group actions such as awareness-raising and support actions for SMEs on innovative methodologies and technologies, favouring their incorporation into their production and management processes (seminars, workshops, etc.).
4. Advice and face-to-face support actions from the physical and virtual office in the main areas of digital transformation.
5. Group actions to connect the technological offer with the existing demand (networking sessions).
What does the aid consist of?
The beneficiaries of these grants will receive a monetary subsidy to cover the eligible actions of their projects for the start-up and provision of services of the OAPs (SME Accelerator Offices) for a period of 24 months from the decision to grant the aid.
Amount of aid
The minimum amount of aid requested per project will be €300,000 and the maximum amount of aid requested will be €410,000, up to 80% of the budget being eligible. The beneficiary will co-finance the remaining percentage.
When can I apply?
Interested parties may apply for the grants from 27 December at 11:00 on the website and the deadline will be open until 27 January 2023 at 11:00
Who can apply for the aid?
The following legal entities that are validly constituted in Spain and that can accredit compliance with the requirements established in article six of the Regulatory Bases may apply for grants:
- Professional and business associations legally constituted and registered in the corresponding Public Office or Register of associations.
- Professional associations constituted in accordance with the legal system and registered in the corresponding Register of Professional Associations.
- Technology centres and technological innovation support centres that are registered in the Register of centres created by Royal Decree 2093/2008.
How can I apply?
To apply for aid, the following documentation must be submitted in Spanish and must be digitally signed by a duly authorised representative of the applicant:
- Electronic application.
This is a form available at the Electronic Headquarters. This form will include the necessary Responsible Declarations at the time of applying for the aid. It will be completed and sent, digitally signed by the legal representative of the entity.
- Documentation accompanying the application.
- Project report.
- Agreements with third parties.
- Economic information.
- Declaration of compliance with the principle of no significant harm (DNSH). This responsible declaration will be contained in the application form.
For more detailed information on the Second Call 2022 for the creation of the network of Acelera pyme offices, we invite you to visit the official website of and to read the Bases Reguladoras de la ayuda.