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Protect your business: INCIBE launches free cybersecurity course for microenterprises and freelancers

16 May 2023. 12:26
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  • SME maturity
    1. Ciberseguridad
    2. Initiatives
    Scope to digitize
    1. Cybersecurity

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From personal data theft to malware and phishing attacks... companies face numerous online threats. If you want to protect your company from these threats, the new cybersecurity course from the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) is for you. Read on!

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Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting computer systems, devices, and networks from unauthorized access, data theft, and other malicious attacks. Without good security management, a company can face economic and reputational damage, both from its customers and its partners.

While all businesses can fall victim to cyberattacks, small and medium-sized businesses are particularly vulnerable. Despite this, in Spain, almost 50% of companies do not have cybersecurity certifications.

In addition, according to the 'Analysis and Diagnosis of Cybersecurity Talent in Spain' more than 83,000 cybersecurity jobs are needed before 2024. For this reason, INCIBE has launched a free course on cybersecurity. Here we tell you what it is.


What is INCIBE's "Cybersecurity for freelancers and SMEs" course?

INCIBE, an entity under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, has launched a new free training course, in MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) format, aimed at microenterprises and the self-employed.

The purpose of this course is to offer a practical approach to the key components to achieve safe digitalization in the business environment.

The program will delve into topics related to cloud security, Wi-Fi networks or social engineering among others. In addition, it will be divided into the following units:

1. Introduction

2. Know your enemy

3. Know yourself

4. Safe use of new technologies in the company

5. Social engineering

6. Cybersecurity in the cloud

7. Security on mobile devices and Wi-Fi networks

8. Safety legislation and regulations

9. Your website is your business card

10. Secure relationship with suppliers and customers

11. Security incidents: how to respond appropriately?

12. Systems Audits - My Plan B

13. Prevention and protection – Conclusions

Interested individuals will have the opportunity to access a variety of educational resources, including videos, reading material and interactive elements. Finally, it is required to complete a brief exam and pass specific practices assigned to each unit, in order to consolidate the knowledge acquired.

However, the certificates issued by INCIBE do not correspond to regulated degrees. In addition, the validity for the recognition of merits in specific selective processes or Public Administration is not assured.


When does it start and how can you sign up?

The training began on May 10. The duration of the course is estimated at approximately seven weeks, with 30 hours of dedication.

As discussed above, staying informed and updated about online security threats is essential to protecting your business. And this course is also an opportunity for those who want to specialize in cybersecurity and offer services in this area.

Therefore, if you are interested in expanding your knowledge about cybersecurity, do not hesitate to register for this course!

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