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Third Call for applications for grants under the Digital Kit Programme

17 Oct 2022. 11:06
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  • SME maturity
    1. Financing and aid
    2. Kit Digital
    Scope to digitize
    1. Digital strategy

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Are you a small business or self-employed? If the answer is yes, then this post is for you! Here we tell you everything you need to know to be able to apply for the Digital Kit grants. 

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Se abre la tercera convocatoria de ayudas del Programa Kit Digital
Descripción is launching the third Call for applications for grants under the Digital Kit Programme. On this occasion, the call is aimed at companies with between 0 and less than 3 employees that want to opt for a grant to improve their level of digital maturity.  


Who can apply for the aid? 

The third Call of the Kit Digital Programme is aimed at small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed people, whose tax domicile is located in Spanish territory, included in Segment III. In other words, small or micro-enterprises with between 0 and less than 3 employees. 

It should be noted that companies wishing to be beneficiaries must be registered in the census of entrepreneurs, professionals and withholders of the State Tax Administration Agency. They may also be beneficiaries if they are on the equivalent census of the Foral Tax Administration, which must reflect the economic activity actually carried out on the date of application for aid, and must have been in existence for at least 6 months. 

In addition, beneficiaries must comply with the rest of the requirements established in the regulatory basis of the Digital Kit.  

Amount of aid 

As mentioned above, the maximum amount of aid or digital voucher per beneficiary will be €2,000 and with it, SMEs will be able to digitalisation services that are contemplated in 12 categories of digital solutions. Below, we present the maximum amounts of aid per category, as well as the duration for which the service must be provided. 


Digitalisation Solutions Category

Months of service delivery

III Segment

0 < X* <3 employees

Website and Basic Internet Presence


2.000 € 



2.000 € 

Social Media Management


2.000 € 

Customer Management


2.000 € (includes 1 user) 

Business Intelligence and Analytics


1.500 € (includes 1 user) 

Process Management


2.000 € (includes 1 user) 

Electronic Invoice


1.000 € (includes 1 user) 

Virtual Office services and tools


250 €/usuario (up to 2 users) 

Secure Communications


125 €/ usuario (up to 2 users) 



125 €/ dispositivo (up to 2 devices) 

Advanced Internet presence


2.000 € 



2.000 € 


*Where X is the number of employees, according to the provisions of Article 7 of Order ETD/1498/2021 of 29 December


When can you apply for the grants? 

Interested companies will be able to apply for grants from 20 October 2022 at 11 a.m. at the website. The application period will end on December 31st 2024.


How to apply for the grants? 

For detailed information on the steps and requirements for obtaining the Digital Kit grants, you can go to our Resources section or you can click here.

  • In addition, we summarise, among others, several key aspects to make the application correctly. 
  • The application may be made directly by companies or self-employed persons, their legal representative or a voluntary representative with authorisation. 
  • The application may only be submitted using the automated form available at the Electronic Headquarters. 
  • Only one aid application may be made for each small company, micro-company or self-employed person included in Segment III. 
  • The applicant must prove, through the application form, that they meet the requirements of the Call for applications. 

If you would like more information on the requirements of each category and other processes and procedures, we invite you to consult the complete rules in the following link.


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