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Real case
Norteña, an SME awarded for its continuous digital transformation process
05 Aug 2024. 13:15
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5 min. of reading
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Detail of the interviewed SME

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  • SME maturity
    1. Estrategias e iniciativas digitales
    Scope to digitize
    1. ICT infrastructure

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Norteña is an SME located in Burgos that specialises in offering roof waterproofing services.

In this case study, Jorge Bermejo tells us how it has implemented digital tools, such as CRM and Artificial Intelligence, to achieve cost and time savings, as well as improve its operations and cybersecurity.

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The real case aims to showcase an SME with a long history in digital transformation that began in 2006 and continues today. This SME is an example of how adopting different technologies and tools across various areas of the company has allowed them to become a reference in the waterproofing sector. This sector refers to the industry dedicated to protecting structures and surfaces from the harmful effects of water and moisture. Their progress has been possible thanks to their innovative approach and commitment to continuous improvement.


This case study highlights Norteña, a company based in Aranda de Duero (Burgos), recognized with several awards for its digital transformation, such as the Cepyme 2019 award and the 4.0 Digital Transformation award given by the magazine Castilla y León Económica.


This case aims to serve as a source of inspiration for other SMEs in various sectors that are in their own digitalization process. By sharing Norteña's experience and achievements, it seeks to illustrate the multiple utilities and benefits that the adoption of technological tools offers in the business environment.

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