About Acelera pyme

The Programme was born in 2021, as the initiative of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service aimed at building the reference ecosystem for the digital transformation of SMEs. Developed by Red.es, an entity of the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, it is part of the SME Digitalisation Plan 2021-2025 and is backed by a budget of more than 4 billion euros.
Thanks to its contents, tools and support resources -many of them developed by experts-, Acelera pyme is a useful proposal to promote the digital update of SMEs of any size and self-employed and entrepreneurs of all sectors.
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Acelera pyme pursues the following objectives:

Promote the digital transformation of SMEs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs through advice and training.
Create a community to generate a digital ecosystem around digital transformation, being the nerve center that connects all stakeholders to foster their joint growth.
Offer services and high-value educational content to drive national digital transformation.
Promote other strategic government objectives such as Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development Goals, or the growth of strategic sectors. In other words, achieve a positive impact in economic and social spheres.

It is made up of three different activities:

Acelera pyme platform

The Acelera pyme platform is the digital meeting point for SMEs and the agents involved in their digital transformation, from which the ecosystem will be energized. The platform offers global services aimed at SMEs with multi-sector content and specific services according to different activity sectors.

It is targeted at SMEs of any size, sector, and level of digitalization and includes tools that allow companies like yours to know their level of digital maturity, complemented by services and content available according to that level.

In this regard, you can find useful content that can improve and enhance the digitalization of your SME. We offer tools to evaluate your level of digital maturity and useful content such as: real cases, interviews, articles, monographs, infographics, videos, podcasts, or webinars. Join Acelera pyme and take your business's digitalization to the next level.

Acelera pyme ofice network

A network of Acelera pyme Offices has been created through the signing of an agreement with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and other agents, which is the physical and virtual meeting point for the support of all SMEs, self-employed and entrepreneurs in the country, whose objective is to promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (including newly created ones), self-employed and entrepreneurs. At the same time, they raise awareness of the advantages and innovative methodologies to optimise the operation of their businesses through the incorporation of ICTs.

Among others, the services to be provided by the Acelera pyme offices are:

  • Face-to-face service, which includes providing advice and resolving user queries about the new digital transformation processes.

  • Remote support service, to resolve questions for SMEs regarding digital transformation.

  • Technical conferences on specific topics related to digital transformation.

  • Practical workshops, related to the incorporation of ICT in the production processes of SMEs.

  • Technological and infrastructure services, certification/validation of products, processes, developments, etc.

  • Promotion of relations between agents in the ecosystem.

  • Information on access to public and private funding.

Support and Advisory services

The Acelera pyme initiative is complemented by a support and advisory service. Through which technical and specialised support activities are carried out for Red.es' digital transformation programmes for SMEs. There are also scheduled activities that include seminars and workshops throughout Spain on topics related to the digital transformation of SMEs.